Other services
Financial Analysis
Financial ratios are guides in the management of enterprises. They provide their goals and standards. They help managers lead them to the most profitable long-term strategies, but also to the effective short-term solutions - we are a richer???, with what we do and think you can do, how to cover short-term obligations with remaining good liquidity ?
The financial analysis is based on information contained in the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow. Our task is to calculate and present in an intelligible form financial indicators, which give you a real idea of the health of the company and its position relative to competition.
Budgeting is sginificant tool for business development, improve profitability and gain advantages in a highly competitive environment of the modern economy. Budgeting is an integral part of strategic planning and management company. It is one of the most labor-intensive activities to engage managers and therefore it is particularly important to understand the essence of good budgeting in accordance with the basic objectives of their companies. As more aware of the budgetary process and its tools, managers can better use them to determine where to lead their organization, what resources it needs and how to ensure that it moves in the right direction
Due Diligence
Our task is to review financial records and provide the potential investor or buyer key information or to confirm the data or indicate review of the terms of the deal. In our team involved, both Bulgarian and international experts